ID: 331870
Model: GEM Equipment
Serial #: N/A
Product Detail:
- Gem fryer/batter & national drying system put in production in 2008.
- Only used for 18 months after put in production.
- Last used on sweet potato fries.
- Font & size test
- Gem fryer/batter system rated up to 15 tph
- National dryer rated for approximate 4-5 tph (oem added more heat sections to dryer to make rate approximate 11-12 tph)
- GEM Equipment two-stage continuous fryer/batterer for potatoes, rated for up to 15 tons/hr.
- Stage-one measures 5' wide X 12' long x 5" cook depth; stage-two measures 5' wide X 16' long x 5" cook depth.
- Stage-one includes Harris Thermal 4-pass, 11,000,000 BTU/hr, hot oil heater, Cornell Model number 6RB-F18K centrifual pump, rated for 2,400 GPM, driven by 100 HP motor & Lakos 8" Model CSX-1450-HL filter.
- Stage-two includes Harris Thermal 4-pass, 10,000,000 BTU/hr, hot oil heater, Cornell Model number 6RB-F18K centrifual pump, rated for 2,200 GPM, driven by 100 HP motor & Lakos 8" CSX-1450L filter.
- Also includes batter applicator with 5' wide X 10-1/2' long belt and two air knives.
- Complete with catwalk & stairs, associated drives, duct work, controls, etc. Fryer was previously fed by apron/belt dryer.
- Previously used to process sweet potato fries.
- National Drying Machinery apron dryer, belt measures 8' wide X 45' long, multistage design. First two passes heat product (2-zone forced air dryer) and final pass acts as equilibration/tempering zone.
- Dryer is steam heated.
- All stainless-steel construction, including belt, frame, legs and doors. Belt includes 1/8" diameter perforations.
- Offered with dewatering vibratory feed shaker and 8-1/2' wide X 20' long discharge conveyor with wire mesh belt.
- Complete with catwalk & stairs, all associated drives, fans, controls, etc. Designed for approximately 4 - 5 tons/hr.
- Previously used to process sweet potato fries prior to feeding into fryer.