ID: 331985
Model: N/A
Serial #: N/A
Product detail:
This system includes:
Air blower system: Baldor Industrial Motor, 25HP, 208-230/460Volts, 1760 R.P.M.
3 outdoor silos: All S/S, Outdoor, Capacity Each: 69,000 Lbs.
Central sifter: Model: KMC650 CP, Volts 3 x 230, Amps 9.4
Product feed piping: S/S Product Piping That Feeds Internal Silo
1 internal silo; All electrical controls & 6 feeding hoppers.
- Self-contained system with two main panels (Both panels are 208V with 24VDC control power).
- All silos fabric was rebuilt in 2018.
- Feed rate: 2” piping supplying hoppers and actual feed rate depend on the distance from internal hopper.
- Currently running the following: Distance 250’= 6:30 mins to fill 300 pounds. Distance 150’= 5:30 mins to fill 300 pounds.
- Feed rate: 6” piping from outside silo fills internal silo (Conveying pump).
- Currently running the following: Distance, outside from inside, 55,000 pounds in 6 hours (Internal silo has 3 airlocks that feed two hoppers, one at a time, using a switching valve and vacuum pump to convey).
- Original purchase dates: Internal silo (2011), Two outdoor silos (1999), One outdoor silo (2005), Two hoppers (1999), Two hoppers (2010 & 2012), One hopper (2016) & One hopper (2018)
- Capacity for (3 Three) outdoor silos: 69,000 Lbs. Each
- Capacity for (1 One) internal silo: 50,400 Lbs.
- All hopper capacities: 350 Lbs. Max